Day 5 up next
Zelia from teaching myself godot » Devlog

Next edition: Day 5
Check out day 1 thru 4 right: here
After a 14 day stint of research I'm ready to start writing day 5 of my tutorial:
Slimes, Breaking tiles, Falling Tiles, Scenery Tiles and Shaders
So for you it is day five, for me it's now day 14. :D
Why so slow?
The reason is the research I did into Godot stuff you don't get out of the box:
- recipes that are stably invented for version 3, but need some translation to 4.1
- shading language concepts (last time I tried _that_ was back when GLSL was just released)
- which 'physics'-body to use for what and how (Rigid -> Static -> Rigid -> Character -> Area -> Static -> Rigid -> ooooh... I used the wrong method to apply the motion!)
- where's that polygon?! TileMap -> get_used_cells() -> TileData -> no ... TileMap -> get_used_cells() -> TileSetSource -> TileSet**Atlas**Source -> TileData -> get_collision_polygon_points() -> no?? ... yes! ... forgot to draw a polygon!
You're going to be spoiled with some 4.1 reïnvented recipes! (I hope)
Any other excuses?
And the other reason is: my son wanted to write a 2.5D game last weekend: Untitled Shoot 'em Up
Try it out
As it stands, the game you can play online here at is the result of what you will have built after you (we both) finish day 5 of the tutorial.
Get Zelia from teaching myself godot
Zelia from teaching myself godot
The plodding ascent of a slow self-tutorial
Status | In development |
Author | Stuff René Made |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | Tutorial |
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