Surfing on Sea Turtles! - Tutorial?

*UPDATE - Improve My Game Jam entry*

Since I submitted the game to the Improve My Game Jam 34 I have been working on a better interactive tutorial. This is still a work in progress, from a holiday home with low latency. That's why this new youtube teaser is a little lo-res:

Also, I have not been able to start work on the interactive tutorial for gamepads.

If bandwidth allows, a vulkan windows- and linux beta will follow today, containing the recorded (start of) the keyboard+mouse tutorial.

*End of UPDATE*

Surfing on Sea Turtles!

Did you know you can go surfing on Sea Turtles and Flying fish in Goblins vs. Fishfolk?

I just wanted to touch base and let you know about this little easter egg:

Underwhelming tutorial

I had to kill my darlings

Actually, I spent most of my first summer holiday week tweaking the interactive tutorial.

 The feedback I got from the first play-test was quite underwhelming, to say the least:

  • Too much text
  • Too many checkboxes
  • Too little time to read it all...

Not giving up though!

I'm determined to still salvage all the work in a new and immersive tutorial. One without modal confirmation dialogs dragging you outside the game's flow. 

Here's a list of the new Godot features I improved my knowledge on:

  • How to make themed buttons (for my mission list checkboxes)
  • Using the Line2D node to create pretty, anti-aliased outlines with (for my arrow)
  • Creating an easy to edit 'fill-rect' by scaling a Sprite2D with a 1px wide GradientTexture1D

Milestone 19 coming up

I'm not saying "Coming Soon" , but it is sure as h* still coming up!

In the meantime, as always, check out the diff on github:

diff on github


Goblins-vs-fishfolk - Latest 209 MB
Version 2 36 days ago
Goblins-vs-fishfolk - Latest 192 MB
Version 1 36 days ago
Goblins-vs-fishfolk - Improve my Game Jam - Tutorial Improvements snapshot 173 MB
41 days ago
Goblins-vs-fishfolk - Improve my Game Jam - Tutorial Improvements snapshot 166 MB
Version 1 41 days ago
Goblins vs. Fishfolk - 18 161 MB
52 days ago
Goblins vs. Fishfolk - 18 168 MB
52 days ago

Get Goblins vs. Fishfolk

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